Psychic Void
Psychologists dating back to Freud believed that the greater part of the mind is shrouded in darkness. This darker region, often likened to the hidden portion of an iceberg, is home to the impulses and directives that guide the psyche in its motives. Through this ritual, you gain the power to immerse your own psyche in darkness.
Abyss Mysticism rituals use the caster’s Social attribute + Occult skill versus the target’s Social attribute + Willpower.
To cast this ritual, you must spend 1 point of Blood and 20 minutes completely submerged in a body of saltwater (a tub will do) as you meditate upon the darkness within. When you emerge, your psychic aura is flooded with darkness that has the power to confound psychic phenomena. Until the end of the night, you do not leave a psychic impression that can be detected through Spirit’s Touch or similar powers. In addition, any spirit that might reside in the object will be unable to recall or identify you, thwarting powers such as Wooden Tongues; however, objects brought to life by Animate the Unmoving will still be able to perceive and interact with you.
In addition, your darkened aura offers you some defense against intrusive psychic powers. You receive a +3 wild card bonus against Auspex powers or similar mental powers that require psychic contact. You may still relent to Auspex powers targeted at you.
MET - VTM - V2 (2021)
Vampire the Masquerade