Eye of Unforgiving Heaven

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Valeren 4Auspex 4


Many Warrior Salubri believe that they are chosen to be implements of divine wrath, sent to punish the most abhorrent of abominations: usually demons, infernalists, and Tremere. With this power, you become a conduit for the unforgiving light of judgement, a burning, glaring light that sears both the living and the dead. In modern nights, Furies favor this power as a means of stylistic execution, insisting that it lacks the power to burn the truly innocent. Test Pool Mental attribute + Investigation skill versus target’s Physical attribute + Dodge skill


Spend 1 point of Blood and use your standard action to open your third eye as it emanates with vengeful light. If you succeed in an opposed challenge, your target suffers 3 points of aggravated damage, and she is blinded, as though you had used the Blinding Attack combat maneuver; the damage dealt by Eye of Unforgiving Heaven is not reduced by this effect. Afflicted characters must use the Fighting Blind combat maneuver, or another power that mitigates blindness, to initiate attacks. You can choose to target up to three characters located within one step of each other when you activate this power. However, you can only choose one of those three targets to receive the Blinding Attack effect. When targeting multiple enemies with Eye of Unforgiving Heaven, you must make a separate opposed challenge against each of the defenders. Should you spend a point of Willpower to retest any of these opposed challenges, you also gain that retest for the remainder of the opposed challenges without spending further Willpower. If you spend Willpower to retest after some challenges are resolved, you cannot go back to previous challenges you’ve lost and apply that Willpower retest retroactively.


MET - VTM - V2 Issue 1

Vampire the Masquerade

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