Stock Locations - Iconic and Supernatural Qualities

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These qualities are restricted to iconic locations. Qualities of this sort are truly spectacular, attracting visitors from around the world and featuring unique architecture or state-of-the-art facilities. These locations are a double-edged sword for vampires. On the one hand, the pure power and prestige that can be derived from controlling an iconic location is too alluring for most power-brokers to resist. On the other, the risk associated with these buildings is immense, as even the most potent elders can be struck down by mysterious forces if they stray too far into the light. Some fearful Kindred whisper that many governments and their secret agencies have been infiltrated by the Second Inquisition, and these groups won’t hesitate to remove a vampire calling too much attention to herself.


Iconic Qualities: - Celebrity: This location is so well-known that anyone associated with it becomes an international celebrity. A character controlling this location gains 5 temporary dots to spread among her mundane backgrounds. These dots may be exchanged once per month, and cannot combine with other backgrounds to exceed 6 dots. However, such fame comes at a cost. The character must spend 3 downtime actions every cycle to avoid breaking the Masquerade due to excessive media attention. - Fortified: This location is especially resistant to external assault. It cannot be destroyed by any physical means short of a military-grade attack. Any attempts to breach it externally are considered Epic difficulty or higher (with a difficulty rating of 30 or more), and attempts to bypass its internal security have a difficulty rating of 25 or more. - Nationalized: This location has been taken over by the mortal government. This level of financial, political, and legal support makes controlling or damaging this location significantly risky. All consequences acquired from quests involving this location are doubled. - Protected: This location is protected through legal, political, and mystical means. Multiple government agencies have a direct interest in keeping this place secure. Entire sects expend influence to ensure that troublesome elements keep away. Some whisper that secret supernatural cabals have spun a mystical spell that forces reality itself to conspire against those who would do this location harm. Storytellers are encouraged to create any number of coincidental events and happenstances that prevent a breach of Masquerade or other damage to this place. In the end, this place simply cannot be harmed, violated, or breached. - World Renown: This location is famously associated with a specific field and thus possesses global influence connected to that field. A character who controls this location may expend influence anywhere in the world, so long as her expenditure is directly related to that specific field. For example, the Library of Congress is one of the premier libraries in the world, and it enjoys exchange privileges with libraries across the globe. Leveraging this location to acquire rare or unusual manuscripts may be done with influence without requiring the use of Fame. Supernatural Location Qualities: A character, with Storyteller permission, may select a supernatural Stock Location quality rather than a standard Stock Location quality. A location’s supernatural quality does not need to have a supernatural origin per se, but rather its features cause a phenomenon that creates the described effect. A location may only have a single supernatural quality. - Barren: This location is a terrible place for vampires to feed. Reduce the amount of Blood points received from feeding by half, rounding up. - Buffet: This location is an excellent place for vampires to feed. Double the amount of Blood points received from feeding. - Gauntlet: The Gauntlet is thicker here, making it difficult for shapeshifters to cross in and out of the Umbra. The time required to cross the Gauntlet, listed in Mind’s Eye Theatre: Werewolf the Apocalypse: Gauntlet Chart: Entering the Umbra, page 585, is doubled here. - Haunt: The Shroud is much weaker here, always returning to low at the start of each day. All necromancers gain a +3 wild card bonus to all interactions with ghosts here. - Tainted: This location bears some sort of Wyrm Taint. Spending more than five minutes at this location results in visitors gaining a point of Wyrm Taint, and spending eight hours here can earn the character up to 1 additional point. This assignment cannot result in a character gaining a 5th point. Gaian shapeshifters cannot cross the Gauntlet here. For more information, see Mind’s Eye Theatre: Werewolf the Apocalypse: The Gauntlet, page 584.


MET - VTM - V2 Issue 1

Vampire the Masquerade